# Hierarchy of isat files This documents the existing hierarchy of files so when we refactor we know what moves where, and why: isat ├── AIAA-2006-6753 ├── doc ├── hierarchy.txt ├── iSatUpdate.sh ├── js ├── LICENSE.txt ├── mcallgraph.py ├── Miura_Thesis_CD ├── move_iSat.sh ├── README.rst ├── science.nasa.gov ├── science-sats ├── screenshot.png ├── tests ├── TODO.rst └── viz ## Directories ### AIAA-2006-6753 AIAA-2006-6753 is the reference fortran/mat code and translations to c++, java, and pascal: AIAA-2006-6753 ├── cpp ├── for ├── java ├── mat ├── pas ├── sgp4_CodeReadme.pdf └── SGP4-VER.TLE ### doc doc is where documatation lives. Currently there are some rest docs recording Chris Shenton's initial JS porting work to run in browsers: doc ├── browser-version-support.csv ├── browser-version-support.numbers ├── building-cesium.rst ├── PROBLEMS.rst ├── running-and-verification.rst ├── running-with-apache.rst ├── sgp4-satellite-calculation.rst └── visualization-using-cesium.rst ### js This is where the SGP4 JS library lives. Currently it is all direct translations of the ???? code. This should become a reusable sgp4 lib. ### Miura_Thesis_CD This is the original SGP4 matlab code and a thesis paper. ### science.nasa.gov This is the directory where code for running isat under SCHWA lives: science.nasa.gov/ ├── index.html ├── index-no-webgl.html └── media ├── css │   ├── combined.min.css │   └── print.css ├── custom │   ├── custom.css │   └── custom.js ├── img │   └── content_bg.png ├── js │   ├── base.min.js │   └── federated-analytics.js └── sot ├── cesium ├── css ├── images ├── js └── tle The interesting bits here live under media: science.nasa.gov/media/ ├── css ├── custom ├── img ├── js └── sot I am unclear on why there are extra nested bits, but the most important things appear to be in sot here: science.nasa.gov/media/sot ├── cesium ├── css ├── images ├── js └── tle Here is the Cesium library, some sass/css * *is it specific???* to sot, the tle files and our isat specific JS libraries. ### science-sats This directory contains some files related to getting SMD sat data from somewhere. This data is generated somewhere: science-sats/ ├── create_tle_files.py ├── find_science_ids.py ├── get_celestrak_files.py ├── get_science_sats.py ├── missions_mission_titles_phases.csv ├── NASA-Satellites-for-SkyWatch.csv └── skywatch-picklist.info ### tests Here is a directory with a python script and a text file. I guess the python script compares something to the VERIFICATION-RESULTS-DATA.txt text: tests/ ├── VERIFICATION-RESULTS-DATA.txt └── verify_results.py ## Files ### LICENSE.txt Derp. The license. ### iSatUpdate.sh Looks like it copies files around. Not sure where or when this is used. Perhaps on the server? ### mcallgraph.py Not too sure. Looks like it prints a list of modules. I suppose that would be a call graph, some exploration when spelunking the original matlab code. Generates ### move_iSat.sh Looks like it is only two lines different than iSatUpdate.sh. So which is used for what when? Why are there two? ### README.rst Derp. README. ### screenshot.png Just some propaganda. ### TODO.rst These are some TODOs that are in some state mtime 2012/09/25, about 18 months before this.